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  • Dec 15, 2018

    Binary Trees In Data Structure | Algorithm | Learnengineeringforu

    Binary Trees In Data Structure | Algorithm | Learnengineeringforu

    The TREE is a general data structure that describes the relationship between data items or 'nodes'.The parent node of a binary tree has only two child nodes.
    The Binary Tree
    Binary search tree by Learnengineeringforu

    The typical operations that can be carried out on a Binary Tree are
    Operations on a Binary Tree
    CREATECreate a new tree
    LEFTGet the Left sub-tree
    RIGHTGet the Right sub-tree
    ITEMGet the data item within the root node
    EmptyTreeInforms whether or not the tree is empty
    INSERTPlace a node at a specific location within the tree
    DELETERemove a node from a specific location within the tree

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