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  • Dec 12, 2018

    Pseudo-polynomial Algorithms

    Pseudo-polynomial Algorithms

    What is Pseudo-polynomial? 
    An algorithm whose worst case time complexity depends on numeric value of input (not number of inputs) is called Pseudo-polynomial algorithm.
    For example, consider the problem of counting frequencies of all elements in an array of positive numbers. A pseudo-polynomial time solution for this is to first find the maximum value, then iterate from 1 to maximum value and for each value, find its frequency in array. This solution requires time according to maximum value in input array, therefore pseudo-polynomial. On the other hand, an algorithm whose time complexity is only based on number of elements in array (not value) is considered as polynomial time algorithm.
    Pseudo-polynomial and NP-Completeness
    Some NP-Complete problems have Pseudo Polynomial time solutions. For example, Dynamic Programming Solutions of 0-1 Knapsack, Subset-Sum and Partitionproblems are Pseudo-Polynomial. NP complete problems that can be solved using a pseudo-polynomial time algorithms are called weakly NP-complete.
    This article is contributed by Dheeraj Gupta. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article and mail your article to See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks.
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