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  • Dec 14, 2018

    Declaration Of Array in Data Structure - Learnengineeringforu

    Declaration Of Array in Data Structure - Learnengineeringforu

    C Array Declaration

    Array has to be declared before using it in C Program. Array is nothing but the collection of elements of similar data types.


    <data_type>  array_name  [size1][size2].....[sizen];
    Syntax ParameterSignificance
    data_typeData Type of Each Element of the array
    Array_nameValid variable name
    sizeDimensions of the Array

    Array declaration requirement

    Data TypeData Type specifies the type of the array. We can compute the size required for storing the single cell of array.
    Valid IdentifierValid identifier is any valid variable or name given to the array. Using this identifier name array can be accessed.
    Size of ArrayIt is maximum size that array can have.

    What does C Array Declaration tells to Compiler ?

    1. Type of the Array
    2. Name of the Array
    3. Number of Dimension
    4. Number of Elements in Each Dimension

    Examples of C Array Declaration

    Examples : Declaring 1D array

    // Array of 10 integer roll numbers  
    int roll[10]
    In the above example we are declaring the integer array of size 10. Array is single dimensional and have

    Examples : Declaring 2D array

    // 2-D Array
    char name[80][20];
    In the above example we are declaring 2D array which has 2 dimensions. First dimension will refer the row and 2nd dimension will refer the column.

    Examples : Declaring 3D array

    // 3-D Array
    char name[80][20][40];
    Above declaration tells compiler following things –
    ExampleTypeArray NameDimension No.No.of Elements in Each Dimension
    2charactername280 and 20
    3charactername380 and 20 and 40

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